Nonprofit Organization Testimonial Videos

The nonprofit organization, Dental Lifeline Network (DLN), wanted to generate interest in its volunteer dentist program through a series of testimonial videos featuring dentists across multiple states. The videos are used online and offline at dentist events in corresponding states. DLN coordinates a network of volunteer dentists and labs that donate comprehensive dental treatment to people with special needs (e.g. the elderly, those with disabilities, and people undergoing medical procedures). 

For this work, the DLN marketing team interviewed dentists using to get a high-quality recording that formed the basis for the video.

To start, I created a video template that I could customize for each state when editing the recordings. This allowed me to use their resources in the most efficient way possible because I wasn’t starting each video from scratch. It also incorporated a cohesive look across the different states.

I color corrected and graded the footage, adjusted the audio, added graphics for the intro and outro as well as transitions, and selected the right background music to fit the content.

Also, I used b-roll footage from previous video shoots done by Emily Skeels of Skeels Creative to highlight the types of volunteer work and people that the dentists might help if they volunteered with the program. Emily also worked with the client and myself to shoot the Dr. Lodl and Tammy video on this page.



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